Six housing projects funded to offer variety of affordable housing in Wards 7 and 8


On June 16 we shared the news that DC government had made a significant investment in affordable housing. APACC member CPDC preserves Ward 8 affordable housing summarizes the government's efforts and features Randle Hill Apartments, a Ward 8 project owned and managed by collaborative member Community Preservation and Community Development. This high level report is the first part of the story.

This, the second part, presents details associated with the six projects which are part of Mayor Bowser's latest effort. The data are for the Ward 7 developments 1100 Eastern Ave NE; 3500 East Capitol Street NE (Phase II);  and Mary's House; and the Ward 8 developments Anacostia Gardens Apartments; Hanover Courts Apartments; and Randle Hill Apartments. The DHCD-provided data are in a publicly-available spreadsheet.

Highlights from the data:

  • Of the affordable units in Wards 7 and 8, more than two-thirds are in Ward 8
  • Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH) units are fairly equally distributed between Wards 7 and 8 with 47% in Ward 7 and 53% in Ward 8

  • Close to three-quarters of new and preserved senior housing is in Ward 7

  • As is shown in the graph below, when it comes to area median income (AMI), 70% of the units in Wards 7 and 8 combined are 50% of AMI and under. And of that, 60% of the created and preserved units are at 50% of AMI.

Affordable housing and equitable development are included in one of APACC's goals: "Enhance the quality of life of residents and other stakeholder in communities near the river by improving access to economic opportunities, affordable housing, wellness and healthcare, and parkland and other outdoor recreation opportunities."