Posts in Housing
The December 7 DC Register in tweets

Helder Gil (@hgil), “Transplanted New Yorker. GWU & @GWHatchet alum. Public servant. On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. All tweets are my personal opinion.”, regularly takes to Twitter to summarize the weekly publication of the DC Register. We’re capturing them here to elevate the importance of the DCR and to make the content more accessible.

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The November 30 DC Register in tweets

Helder Gil (@hgil), “Transplanted New Yorker. GWU & @GWHatchet alum. Public servant. On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. All tweets are my personal opinion.”, regularly takes to Twitter to summarize the weekly publication of the DC Register. We’re capturing them here to elevate the importance of the DCR and to make the content more accessible.

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FY 2019: Advocacy is not over once the budget is signed

Fiscal Year 2019 (FY 2019, FY19) started October 1. As is always the case, some laws, policies, programs, and taxes change from one year to the next. Action—advocacy—on the budget is not done when the mayor signs it. To the contrary, once the fiscal year starts, the work is focused on making sure agencies implement the budget.

APACC and its members will be paying close attention to several elements of the FY 2019 budget and taking action when necessary.

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What barriers do you face using your housing voucher in DC?

Finding and securing affordable housing is hard enough without facing barriers when using a government subsidy. The Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH) Tenant Barriers Workgroup is doing a survey to identify barriers rental housing applicants have when searching for housing with a voucher. The group will use the information to craft solutions.

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APACC member CPDC preserves Ward 8 affordable housing

In 2016, Community Preservation and Development Corporation (CPDC) purchased Randle Hill Apartments to rejuvenate and preserve the affordable housing offered by this 196-unit garden-style complex.

Fast forward two years and CPDC and Randle Hill Apartments are making news again. Mayor Bowser recently announced that DC, and Wards 7 and 8 in particular, will be getting more affordable housing thanks to a $103 million DC government investment. Randle Hill Apartments is one of the projects funded.

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