September 7: CM Gray's Community Office Hours

Ward 7 Councilmember Vincent C. Gray is holding individual constituent meetings Friday, September 7, 1:00-3:00 pm during Community Office Hours.

Residents and business owners will meet with the CM at his Ward office located at the Department of Employment Services, 4058 Minnesota Ave NE. Registration is required. Email Sedrick Muhammad, Constituent Services Director, or call the main office number at the John A. Wilson Building, (202) 724-8068.

This is an opportunity for people to discuss issues and concerns, and share suggestions and policy solutions, with Councilmember Gray in a private setting, without distractions from others like happens at public meetings.

So what will you discuss? The cleanup of the Anacostia River? Crime? Ideas to improve community cohesion?

Remember, the next Community Office hours will be held Friday, December 7.