Anacostia: The Past, Present and Possible Futures of an American River, Sept. 25


Join the D.C. Bar Environment, Energy and Natural Resources Community and Environmental Law Institute Tuesday, September 25 from Noon-2:00 pm for Anacostia: The Past, Present and Possible Futures of an American River.

This year marks the Year of the Anacostia River. Even as the DC region celebrates the great strides that have been made in rehabilitating this beloved river, the occasion also calls for reflection on the choices and circumstances that led to the river's toxic past, and on the trade-offs that its renewal will bring. Our panel will explore the successes and challenges of the Anacostia River cleanup; the work of citizen scientists and citizen activists, alongside government agencies, in shepherding that effort; the role of lawyers and the law in the river's fall and rise; and what is being done, and what needs to be done, to ensure that the communities that lived with the river through its worst years will benefit from its brighter future.

Learn more and register for the event.