Take a survey; help inform DC's Urban Forestry Master Plan

Casey Trees (an APACC member!) is conducting the DDOT Urban Forestry Division’s Master Plan Survey and urges everyone—residents, business owners, people who work in the city—to take it. From start to finish, answering all the questions will take three minutes at most.

The impact of those three minutes is huge. Casey Trees and DDOT will better understand the perceptions of the urban tree canopy across DC. Survey results will inform the development of the District’s Urban Forestry Master Plan and the plan will guide management of the urban forest to sustain livable communities and public space, while also identifying key partnerships to support such work.

Why APACC cares

The Anacostia River corridor within the District of Columbia has 1,200 acres of green space with many, many trees. But many more trees are needed to cool communities, remove CO2 from the air, and help with storm water runoff. NBC4’s Interactive Map: DC Is Planting Thousands of Trees, But Inequity Remains digs into DDOT tree data and finds that 12% of Ward 7 and 10% of Ward 8 tree boxes are empty. This compares to 1% in Wards 1, 2, and 6. Further compounding the inequity, NBC reports wealthier parts of the city have more tree boxes than do Wards 7 and 8.

APACC is committed to the equitable redevelopment of the Anacostia River parks and adjacent neighborhoods via a thriving, diverse, and sustainable community that actively accepts and takes ownership of the challenges and opportunities along the Anacostia River for today and tomorrow. This means we support a range of efforts, particularly those of our 28 members.