#dcfy20 budget engagement fora schedule

FY 2020, which begins October 1, 2019, is being developed now by Mayor Muriel Bowser and her team. Residents, organizations, and stakeholders can share their ideas for what the budget should and shouldn’t do at three in-person fora starting Thursday, February 21 and at an older resident-focused telephone town hall Monday, February 11.

  • Thursday, February 21 , 6:30 pm: Arthur Capper Community Center (1001 5th St SE)

  • Saturday, February 23, 10:00 am: Deanwood Recreation Center (1350 49th St NE)

  • Monday, February 25, 6:30 pm: Roosevelt High School (4301 13th St NW)


If the mayor does what she always does, forum attendees will decide as small groups how money should be spent on things like education, public safety, and health care. But there’s plenty of opportunity for participants to advocate for their personal and professional budget agendas with agency directors and administration staff and to connect with allies and members of the media. Be sure to bring business cards and copies of your budget priorities to distribute.

Learn more about the events and RSVP.