Centering Community Experience in the Climate Narrative

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The Women’s Environmental Leadership seeks to build the capacity for future environmental leadership by convening a network of established leaders with emerging and aspiring leaders to exchange best practices, wisdom, and experience.

The Anacostia Community Museum invites you to attend the next Women’s Environmental Leadership presentation this Saturday, August 7 at 1:00 PM :

Founder and creative director of Our Climate Voices, writer, and organizer Aletta Brady (they/them) will explore the evolution of their personal and professional journeys in various environmental spaces and the role of storytelling in engaging communities around these issues. Brady will illustrate the power of centering the human experience in efforts to acknowledge and act on climate injustices.

Centering Community Experience in the Climate Narrative
Event Location: Online
Cost: FREE
Register here

Women’s Environmental Leadership Lecture Series Videos:
“Malama ‘Aina”, Caring for and Nurturing the Land
At the Intersection of Gardens, Culture, and Style

The Anacostia Community Museum seeks to inspire community action and the next generation of civic leaders. The museum tells the extraordinary stories of everyday people and concerns, issues, and triumphs of communities. Click here to learn more and plan your next visit today.