Grow Your Capacity: Free Music (with a link), Bill Gates' Book Recs for Summer, and More

Local Events and Resources

  • APACC wants to hear from you about what information and skills you need.  Please take this short anonymous survey so we know what you need to be and do better. We’ll do our best to find trainings, articles, courses, and the like to meet your needs.

  • Residents, apply for training to get certified and employed this summer, June 15: WKYS 93.9 FM and SOME’s Center for Employment Training (CET) are having an Application Day celebration Friday, June 15 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm at SOME’s new building on Benning Rd NE. The event and training are FREE! Learn more and register.

  • Councilmember Gray’s Community Office Hours, June 1: Ward 7 CM Vince Gray will host his regular community office hours Friday, June 1 from 3:00-5:00 pm at the Department of Employment Services (4058 Minnesota Ave NE). Sign up to get a slot by contacting Latisha Atkins, 724-8068 or (Only Ward 7 residents or biz owners may participate.)

  • DC Water’s 4th Annual Critical Customer Briefing and Emergency Preparedness Exercise, May 31: The community is invited to attend and participate in this annual event whose goal is to bring together all parties involved with emergency preparedness (such as hospitals, military bases, multifamily dwellings) to discuss roles and responsibilities during a water or wastewater service emergency. This event will provide an opportunity to discuss response plans and identify gaps and shortcomings before an incident occurs. Reservations are required and space is limited.


Tools and Resources


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Good reads