Why you should comment on the Sustainable DC 2.0 Plan by July 15
The DC Department of Energy and Environment has released a new Sustainable DC 2.0 Plan, and they are asking for your comments.
Why should you care about Sustainable DC? Bradford Everette from DOEE came and talked to APACC at our last meeting. He said that "sustainability" doesn't just mean buying "green" products and planting trees -- "sustainability" means "survival." Being sustainable means having a healthy home, healthy food, and healthy neighborhood that help you live a happy and long life.
If you care about those things, take a look at the plan and type in your comments. Your feedback can help the District government focus its investment and priorities to match what's important to you.
If you have questions or want to talk to Everette and other DOEE staff about the document, you can visit them during open hours on:
- June 18: 12-1:30 pm at DOEE's building lobby (1200 First St NE)
- June 26: 6-8:30 pm at the Southeast Library (403 7th St SE)
- TBD weekend in June: Penny Brew Popup at the Riverside Center (5200 Foote St NE)
If you prefer to send comments via email, send them an email at sustainable.future@dc.gov.