Comment Now: How can Shepherd Parkway better serve the neighborhood?


The National Park Service (NPS) is committed to revitalizing and enhancing national park land in Southeast and Southwest Washington, D.C.

The NPS is hosting a public open house about the future of Shepherd Parkway on July 10, 2019, but in the meantime you can submit comments about the project here.

In addition to an open suggestion box, the comment form asks:

Question 1:

How and where do you currently use the open spaces of Shepherd Parkway?

Question 2:

How do you currently access portions of Shepherd Parkway?

Question 3:

Where would you like to see new connections to and within the open spaces of Shepherd Parkway?

Question 4:

Are you comfortable walking in the wooded areas?

Question 5:

How would you prevent dumping and litter?