Posts tagged Weigh In
Comment Period Extended: Bridge to the National Arboretum from Kenilworth

Residents of Kenilworth, Eastland Gardens, Parkside, Mayfair and surrounding neighborhoods could be able to walk from their homes to the National Arboretum with a new proposed pedestrian bridge that would cross the Anacostia River at Kenilworth Park.

Some river users have voiced their concerns about the bridge, primarily that the footings would block boat traffic. You can read more about the issues in this article. One proposed compromise would be to design the bridge as a “clear span” bridge, with no footings in the river, which would be more expensive but not block any boat traffic. The planners have extended the comment period for the project.

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Kenilworth Park North: From a history of waste, destruction and loss to a future of hope, health and wealth?

The northern half Kenilworth Park is slated to be transferred to the District of Columbia government from the Federal government. Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has been working alongside members of the Anacostia Park and Community Collaborative (APACC), the National Park Service (NPS), the Office of Planning (OP) and the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to begin to envision what the park could become after the transfer.

APACC believes that the park, once cleaned up, can provide more than just space for recreation: it can provide green jobs for neighbors, outdoor education classrooms and programs for children and youth, better access to the Anacostia River, spaces for meditation and healing, and much, much more.

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