Comment Period Extended: Bridge to the National Arboretum from Kenilworth

Residents of Kenilworth, Eastland Gardens, Parkside, Mayfair and surrounding neighborhoods could be able to walk from their homes to the National Arboretum with a new proposed pedestrian bridge that would cross the Anacostia River at Kenilworth Park.

The District Department of Transportation and the National Park Service hosted public meetings about the bridge in May. Some river users have voiced their concerns about the bridge, primarily that the footings would block boat traffic. One proposed compromise would be to design the bridge as a “clear span” bridge, with no footings in the river, which would be more expensive but not block any boat traffic. You can read more about the issues in this article.

The planners have extended the comment period for the project. You can submit a comment by emailing Stacee Hemby at If you are simply in support of the bridge and have no detailed comments about the design, you can simply fill out this form.
