We need your input on Poplar Point

Poplar Point is envisioned to be the home of a variety of different uses including residential, retail, office entertainment, cultural, and park/open space uses. We would like to hear from you about potential land uses, your experience, your expectations, and your institutional knowledge.

Join us for a virtual community listening session on Poplar Point tonight from 6:30 to 8 PM!

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What are your capacity-building needs?

The National Fish and Wildlife Federation has commissioned an assessment to establish a baseline understanding of the projects and opportunities that will make the greatest impact on pollution reduction and water quality improvement. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey to help capacity-building organizations like the Alliance and the Coalition, and the funders within the Chesapeake Bay Funders Network who support our work, to know where the needs and opportunities are to advance restoration work. Individuals who complete the survey are eligible to win one of three prizes.

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