Nicholson St SE bridge fixes will improve access to Anacostia Park and are important to the community

Graylin W. Presbury, President of the Fairlawn Citizens Association, reports on Anacostia Bridges at Nicholson Street SE community meeting September 17. In addition to improving life for residents of this Ward 8 neighborhood, DDOT’s work will improve access to Anacostia Park and Anacostia River.

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Updates from the National Park Service - Fall 2018

The National Park Service “National Capital Parks-East” (NACE) sends out a partner newsletter every quarter, and we’ve copied it here for you to read. If you are interested in getting this newsletter by email, contact Pya Langley.

Autumn is almost here! As the leaves start to change and we turn the corner into September, we want to highlight the summer's activities and programs and share our upcoming engagement opportunities. We look forward to our continued partnership on joint programs and our celebration of the environment and history as we connect to the many youth and families in our communities.

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A new report celebrates 15 years of progress on the Anacostia, and calls for new focus on equity and resilience

The Office of Planning recently released a progress report about the Anacostia Waterfront, highlighting the many, many ways that the Anacostia River waterfront has become an exciting destination and driver of all sorts of positive change in DC over the past 15 years. The report also acknowledges that there is a lot more work to be done, especially to address equity and resilience along the river corridor.

While the 15-year progress report is a fantastically informative retrospective on how far DC has come, perhaps it also serves as a call to action for the agencies, nonprofits, businesses and residents who live, work, play and pray along the Anacostia River corridor to come together again to create an new, updated, comprehensive vision for the future of the waterfront that addresses current challenges and opportunities.

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Sharing power has individual and community benefits

On average, the poorest 20 percent pay the most for electricity — that’s 10 percent of total household income. Community power and community storage will transform access to affordable clean energy for low-income households if we deploy equitable project finance models that scale with the market instead of depending on subsidies. (GreenBiz)

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What barriers do you face using your housing voucher in DC?

Finding and securing affordable housing is hard enough without facing barriers when using a government subsidy. The Interagency Council on Homelessness (ICH) Tenant Barriers Workgroup is doing a survey to identify barriers rental housing applicants have when searching for housing with a voucher. The group will use the information to craft solutions.

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