The December 7 DC Register in tweets

Helder Gil (@hgil), “Transplanted New Yorker. GWU & @GWHatchet alum. Public servant. On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. All tweets are my personal opinion.”, regularly takes to Twitter to summarize the weekly publication of the DC Register. We’re capturing them here to elevate the importance of the DCR and to make the content more accessible.

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Kenilworth Park North: From a history of waste, destruction and loss to a future of hope, health and wealth?

The northern half Kenilworth Park is slated to be transferred to the District of Columbia government from the Federal government. Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) has been working alongside members of the Anacostia Park and Community Collaborative (APACC), the National Park Service (NPS), the Office of Planning (OP) and the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to begin to envision what the park could become after the transfer.

APACC believes that the park, once cleaned up, can provide more than just space for recreation: it can provide green jobs for neighbors, outdoor education classrooms and programs for children and youth, better access to the Anacostia River, spaces for meditation and healing, and much, much more.

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The November 30 DC Register in tweets

Helder Gil (@hgil), “Transplanted New Yorker. GWU & @GWHatchet alum. Public servant. On the internet, nobody knows you're a dog. All tweets are my personal opinion.”, regularly takes to Twitter to summarize the weekly publication of the DC Register. We’re capturing them here to elevate the importance of the DCR and to make the content more accessible.

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APACC identifies community engagement opportunities and tackles internal challenges

At the November 9 monthly APACC Assembly meeting, member organization representatives brainstormed ideas for potential collaborative project proposals utilizing our funds to support implementation activities. The APACC Assembly adopted initial parameters for the “APACC Fund” at the October monthly meeting in preparation for doing the work required to accomplish elements of the network’s work plan and building capacity towards greater collaboration.

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