Posts in Capacity Building
Affordable DC-based community leadership program now accepting applications

Leaders are not always the individuals who have gone to the "best" schools, who have the most senior position, or who assert themselves as leaders. Lots of times, many times, they are like you and you and you. LeadIN is a local DC organization dedicated to leadership development and community leadership development in particular. Their Fall 2018 LeadIN Core cohort is accepting applications through August 19.

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#letsgetcivic August 4 at CivicFest

APACC member Washington Parks & People and co-sponsors DC Tutoring & Mentoring Initiative and DJ Aphrosoul Lukumi are gathering DC area nonprofits and lots of interested people Saturday, August 4 for CivicFest 2018—a fun-, music-, art-, and action-filled day—with the ultimate purpose of creating a movement to take back DC from violence, poorly performing schools, crazy weather, and unequal access to basic services.

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Why you should comment on the Sustainable DC 2.0 Plan by July 15

The DC Department of Energy and Environment has released a new Sustainable DC 2.0 Plan, and they are asking for your comments.  Why should you care about Sustainable DC? Bradford Everette from DOEE came and talked to APACC at our last meeting. He said that "sustainability" doesn't just mean buying "green" products and planting trees -- "sustainability" means "survival." Being sustainable means having a healthy home, healthy food, and healthy neighborhood that help you live a happy and long life. 

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